Before Your Appointment:

Thank you for scheduling your Medicare Health Plan appointment. We look forward to meeting you. Please send the following information by email, or fax to 651-488-0173 prior to your appointment:

  • A copy of your Medicare card or letter from Social Security that states your Medicare effective dates. If you do not have Medicare yet, or we already have this information on file you may skip this step.
  • Sign and initial the Scope of Appointment form.
  • Provide details of your medications (including frequency and dosage) and doctors/clinics.

If you are not able to send the above information prior to your appointment, please bring it with you.

If you have someone that helps you with insurance and health decisions, please have them attend the meeting with you. They may need to fill out a Scope of Appointment form when they arrive.

We look forward to meeting with you at your upcoming appointment.


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